Sunday 31 August 2014

An almost exhaustive list of YogsCast Complete ores and their processing options.


Anyone who has been watching my videos on YouTube regarding Minecraft Mekanism will be confused about some things.

The link to the videos is:

The list of Ores in the YogsCast Complete server is gi-normous.
How do you process them?

Well, I went to the trouble of sorting through as many ores as I could find and here is the list of options:
(Warning: The last table is wider than will fit, and has notes at the end of some lines. So Cut'n'Paste it into TextWrangler or whatever)

Oh... Just a thought... If you wish I can create a GitHub project to store detail like this. Advise via comments.

Ores that work with 4-way system:

Pack                Name            Code
------------------- --------------- -------
Minecraft           Gold            14      
Minecraft           Iron            15      
Mekanism            Copper          3007:1  
Mekanism            Tin             3007:2  
Mekanism            Osmium          3007
Factorization       Silver          1002    
Tinkers Construct   Gold Gravel     1488:1  
Tinkers Construct   Tin             1475:4  
Tinkers Construct   Copper          1475:3  
Tinkers Construct   Iron Gravel     1488    
Tinkers Construct   Copper Gravel   1488:2  
Tinkers Construct   Tin Gravel      1488:3  
Galacticraft Core   Copper          3410:5  
Galacticraft Core   Copper          3451    
Galacticraft Core   Tin             3451:1  
Galacticraft Core   Tin             3410:6  
Mariculture         Copper          500:1   
Thermal Expansion   Silver          2701:2  
Thermal Expansion   Copper          2701    
Thermal Expansion   Lead            2701:3  
Thermal Expansion   Tin             2701:1  
Emasher Resource    Cassiterite     3173:1  
Emasher Resource    Galena          3173:3  
Emasher Resource    Native Copper   3173:4  
Metallurgy 3        Silver          1702:1  
Metallurgy 3        Tin             1700:1  
Metallurgy 3        Copper          1700    
Forestry            Tin             1398:2  
Forestry            Copper          1398:1  

Ores pushed to an Enrichment Chamber (factory) -> Smelter (factory)
Metallurgy 3        Sulfur          1705:7      
Metallurgy 3        Phosphorite     1705:8      
Metallurgy 3        Magnesium       1705:10     
Metallurgy 3        Potash          1705:12     
Metallurgy 3        Saltpeter       1705:9      
Metallurgy 3        Eximite         1700:5
Metallurgy 3        Meutoite        1700:6
Metallurgy 3        Carmot          1706:6
Metallurgy 3        Mithril         1706:7
Metallurgy 3        Rubracium       1706:8
Metallurgy 3        Orichalcum      1706:11
Metallurgy 3        Adamantine      1706:13     
Metallurgy 3        Atlarus         1706:14     
Metallurgy 3        Bitumen         1705:11     
Metallurgy 3        Platinum        1702:3      
Metallurgy 3        Infuscolium     1706:2      
Metallurgy 3        Prometheum      1706        
Metallurgy 3        Deep Iron       1706:1
Metallurgy 3        Oureclase       1706:4
Metallurgy 3        Astral Silver   1706:5
Metallurgy 3        Manganese       1700:2
Metallurgy 3        Zinc            1702
Emasher Resource    Pentlandite     3173:5
Thermal Expansion   Ferrous         2701:4

                                                Redstone    Enrichment  Pulverizer  Induction   Purification
                                                Furnace     Chamber                 Smelter     Chamber
Factorisation       Dark Iron       1004        Y           .           Y           Y           .
Tinkers Construct   Aluminum        1475:5      .           .           Y           Y           .
Tinkers Construct   Ardite          1475:2      .           .           Y           Y           .
Tinkers Construct   Cobalt          1475:1      .           .           Y           Y           .
Tinkers Construct   Cobalt Gravel   1488:5      .           .           .           .           .               *Smeltery
Tinkers Construct   Aluminum Gravel 1488:4      .           .           .           .           .               *Smeltery
Mariculture         Rutile          500:2       .           .           Y           Y           .               
Mariculture         Bauxite         500         .           .           .           .           .               *Smeltery
Galacticraft Core   Silicon         3410:8      .           .           .           .           .               
Galacticraft Core   Cheese          3451:2      Y           .           .           .           .               
Galacticraft Core   Aluminum        3410:7      Y           .           .           .           .               
qCraft              Quantum         804         .           .           .           .           .               Unknown
ProjectRed          Peridot         2130:2      .           .           .           .           .               *Rock Crusher
ProjectRed          Sapphire        2130:1      .           .           .           .           .               *Rock Crusher
ProjectRed          Ruby            2130        .           .           .           .           .               *Rock Crusher
Applied Energistics Cerus Quartz    902         .           .           Y           .           .               *Crusher
Railcraft           Dark Diamond    458:2       .           .           .           .           .               *Rock Crusher
Railcraft           Dark Emerald    458:3       .           .           .           .           .               *Rock Crusher, Smeltery
Railcraft           Dark Lapis      458:4       .           .           .           .           .               *Rock Crusher
Ars Magica 2        Vinteum         1141        Y           .           Y           .           .               *Rock Crusher
Ars Magica 2        Blue Topaz      1141:2      Y           .           .           .           .               
Ars Magica 2        Moonstone       1141:3      Y           .           .           .           .               
Ars Magica 2        Chimerite       1141:1      Y           .           .           .           .               
Ars Magica 2        Sunstone        1141:4      Y           .           .           .           .               *Rock Crusher
Magical Crops       Essence         3714        .           .           .           .           .               Unknown
Biomes O' Plenty    Tanzanite       1942:8      .           .           Y           .           .               *Rock Crusher
Biomes O' Plenty    Topaz           1942:6      .           .           Y           .           .               *Rock Crusher
Biomes O' Plenty    Peridot         1942:4      .           .           Y           .           .               *Rock Crusher
MineChem            Uranium         3790        Y           .           Y           Y           .               
Biomes O' Plenty    Amethyst        1942        .           .           .           .           .               Unknown
Biomes O' Plenty    Ruby            1942:2      .           .           Y           .           .               *Rock Crusher
Biomes O' Plenty    Sapphire        1942:12     .           .           Y           .           .               *Rock Crusher
Biomes O' Plenty    Malachite       1942:10     .           .           Y           .           .               *Rock Crusher
Magical Crops       Nether Essence  3713        .           .           .           .           .               Unknown
Emasher Resource    Bauxite         3173        Y           .           .           .           .               
Emasher Resource    Emery           3173:2      Y           .           .           .           .               *Rock Crusher
Emasher Resource    Sapphire        3173:7      Y           .           .           .           .               *Rock Crusher
Thermal Expansion   Ferrous         2701:4      Y           Y           Y           Y           .               
Factorization       Dark Iron       1004        Y           .           Y           Y           .               
Thaumcraft          Cinnabar        2608        Y           .           .           .           .               
Dartcraft           Nether          1900:1      .           .           .           .           .               Unknown
Dartcraft           Power           1900        .           .           .           .           .               Unknown
Big Reactors        Yellorite       2740        Y           .           Y           Y           .               
Forestry            Apatite         1398        .           .           Y           .           .               *Rock Crusher
RailCraft           Sulfur          458         .           .           Y           .           .               *Rock Crusher

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